Every drop counts this World Water Day
A worldwide pandemic has put the necessity of clean water into the spotlight; a basic essential that is not accessible to 1 in 10 people worldwide. On March 22nd, this year’s World Water Day is as important as ever to highlight the value of water and its accessibility to people across the globe. Regular handwashing has been reiterated over the last year as a vital way to stop the spread of disease, yet 3 billion people don’t have handwashing facilities at home. That’s 2 in 5 people. A number far higher than it should be.
Starting in 1981, WaterAid has been a life-changing charity for millions of people as they help to provide toilets and clean water sources for areas deprived of it. They have reached 27 million people with clean water around the world, with their three steps to tackle the water crisis – clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene. By educating the people within the villages and towns to help them learn the skills required to maintain and build these facilities. WaterAid are able to build long-term solutions. People are able to gain knowledge, as well as being able to understand the importance of good hygiene and the value brought by decent toilets. This crucial step of education and support allows for strength to be built within communities, which provides growth for future generations.
Learning the skills to create and fix toilets and handwashing facilities is critical for independence. Specialists with experience in the water industry play a key role in WaterAid’s tackle of the water crisis alongside many other charities and companies. Knowledge gained with these skills can not only help the health and hygiene of communities but also the stability and progression of their lives. With less time spent collecting and purifying water, children can go to school and women can go to work; improving the lives of families. A significant reduction in people suffering and dying from preventable diseases will be seen alongside these new opportunities for education and income. While charities like WaterAid and UN-Water are bringing these facilities to poorer communities, the water industry is prominent worldwide; therefore, skills are needed across the globe. Highfield has specialist consultants recruiting for this sector who are always searching for people looking to start or continue their careers.
Along with the change in individual’s lives, UN-Water says ‘water is the primary medium through which we will feel the effects of climate change.’ With increased natural disasters like flooding and droughts, ‘water availability is becoming less predictable in many places.’ The devastation of these growing disasters threatens to destroy water points and sanitation facilities, alongside contaminating water sources. It is essential to provide assistance and education to communities as quickly as possible, using new designs and continuously developing technology to create efficient, sustainable methods.
Looking closer to home, the Thames Tideway Tunnel is working on improving a 150-year-old sewer system that was built for a population less than half its current size and reducing its environmental impact. Currently, every year millions of tonnes of raw sewage spills, untreated, into the River Thames, impacting wildlife and the river environment. This new tunnel will capture the sewage before it goes into the river, allowing for it to be treated properly and no longer be ingested by wildlife and dirtying the water. Projects of various size like the Tideway Tunnel down to local maintenance are continuously looking for a range of roles.
Water is a basic essential that many are without, or need help improving. If you’re looking to develop your skills, gain experience, or start a career in the industry then contact us. While the water crisis is being tackled across the world, you can get involved more locally too using the expert knowledge from our consultants to find out what jobs are available. Head to our website for a list of jobs currently active and to see what’s out there, or call us on 01489 774010.